Ok I am pretty unimpressed with this app now. I had high hopes in a newer version, and none of the things, that were wrong with the first one, never got fixed in the second. The only new thing about this version is you can buy way overpriced tokens, and very few I might add like 10 tokens for 2 dollars, and a online connection. I have not tested the online play yet, but I would have been happy if the problems in the last one were fixed.
The one thing that they did right was being able to export you maps and not force you to keep the tokens in custom area.
Problem 1: Custom imports
Yeah you can import custom tokens but it is very unorganized. You can not tag your custom tokens.
Problem 2: No tile import function.
Problem 3: LOS is still terrible. I can see through doors at the right angle. I made a suggestion to "allow triggers to rooms that when triggered (like players move across a certain tile) allow a predefined line of site of the room. That would fix a lot of problems"
Problem 4: Paying an arm and a leg for tiles and symbols.
$2.00 for 10 TOKENS? I could possibly see myself paying $2.00 for like 50.
I have said this all of problems 1-3 before in the last review but since nothing was done to correct this problem I am giving a lower rating.
This app has great potential. Dont ruin it by missing key things that need to be fixed.
Sevrick about Battle Map 2